Wanna play Season Two but ain't got enough cash for it? Even if that makes you a cheap scumbag? Well then rejoice, scum: all you need to do is to answer the three questions Adventure Gamers has correctly and you could be eligible for winning Sam and Max: Season Two for free. That's right. And even that's too expensive for you, I think. You scum.
Update: And as Maratanos helpfully pointed-out: You can do the same over at Joystiq. Chud is doing the same thing. So are those chaps over at Adventure Treff, and, of course, the ever-lovable 4 Color Rebellion.
Source: Adventure Gamers
Chud: http://chud.com/articles/articles/14280/1/MCP-CONTEST-SAM-AND-MAX-SEASON-TWO/Page1.html
Adventure-Treff: http://www.adventure-treff.de/specials/gewinnspiel_season2.php
4 Color Rebellion: http://www.4colorrebellion.com/archives/2008/04/05/want-to-win-a-copy-of-sam-max-season-2/