
Sam and Max Season Two, $19.95 (limited time) 17 Oct, 2009 / Comments: 2

Sam and Max: Season Two (or Sam and Max Beyond Time and Space, depending on what title you prefer) is available for a mere $19.95, for a limited time only (through October 21st).

Update: It's going for the same price on Xbox Live Arcade. If you have not played this, then do.

Source: Telltale Games



  • clone2727 on 15 Oct, 2009, 20:24…
    Is it just me, or is that white text in "Purchase Options" hard to read?
  • clone2727 on 15 Oct, 2009, 20:25…
    ERRR... take that back. My internet was just being fussy and took a long time to load the black background behind it...