
Sam & Max: Even more history 25 May, 2010 / 8 comments

Telltale/Gamepro have published part two of their look at the history of Sam & Max. Witness the glory of Hit the Road, as well as the death of Plunge through Space and Freelance Police. And hey, Mojo is in there too.

Source: Snugglecakes on the forums



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    Scummbuddy on 26 May, 2010, 10:51…


    Wait a minute... Stemm-Lee? I had no idea!

    Me too! I always read it as Stem-Eel, or Stem-uhl. Glad I haven't met him yet to make myself look like a jackass.
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    QueZTone on 26 May, 2010, 05:47…
    cool stuff!

    the fans-in-outrage hee :)
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    Capn_Nacho on 26 May, 2010, 04:02…
    Wait a minute... Stemm-Lee? I had no idea!
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    Ascovel on 25 May, 2010, 23:38…
    Did I read that right? The writing credit for this doco goes to... Red Herring?
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    Lagomorph on 25 May, 2010, 22:09…
    Interesting watch!
    The narration is still horrible though.
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    Kroms on 25 May, 2010, 21:56…

    Bad Asp!

    Just warning y'all ahead of time that you'd better not DARE tell me that none of those games are ever going to be released. I'm in a bad mood today.

    I don't think anyone had any reason to, Bad Asp. Though I suspect that someone now will.
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    Erwin_Br on 25 May, 2010, 20:31…
    Yowza! The narrator is in quite a hurry. Damn you Google, and your 9 minute time limit!!!
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    Bad Asp! on 25 May, 2010, 19:25…
    Just warning y'all ahead of time that you'd better not DARE tell me that none of those games are ever going to be released. I'm in a bad mood today.

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