
Sam & Max 303 trailer 16 Jun, 2010 / 3 comments

Not to be outdone by Graham Annable's violent 2D puzzler, Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse made its own bid for the palpitating hearts of everyone on the E3 floor with this great trailer for They Stole Max's Brain!

Source: Youtube



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    Capn_Nacho on 17 Jun, 2010, 07:48…


    He's really not that far off smashing a moleman's head into a public restroom mirror and demanding to know who killed his daughter. An interesting new twist on Sam's character.

    Damn it, Sam, you're lit up like a Dutch brothel!
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    Sabre on 16 Jun, 2010, 11:52…
    He's really not that far off smashing a moleman's head into a public restroom mirror and demanding to know who killed his daughter. An interesting new twist on Sam's character.
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    pheeph on 16 Jun, 2010, 04:03…
    Dang... never seen Sam really lose it...

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