
Sam Suede is on Kickstarter 04 Jun, 2012 / 3 comments

Sam Suede in Undercover Exposure, a comedy adventure game by Wisecrack Games and coded by Wizarbox (Grey Matter and So Blonde), is now on Kickstarter. It has a game design that was created by Al Lowe (creator of Leisure Suit Larry) and Ken Wegrzyn of Wisecrack Games in 2006, and still remains in tact. Al Lowe is no longer involved in the project, and he stresses that his comedy writing is not present, but his game design is still present.

That said, Steve Ince (formerly of Revolution Software (he was director of the first three games in the Broken Sword series), and creator of Mr. Smoozles Goes Nutso and So Blonde) is involved, so the comedy factor should be handled very well. He also did the art design of the games he worked on, and was the art designer of Beneath a Steel Sky. So, the game is in capable hands.

Like the other adventure projects on Kickstarter, there are multiple tiers to choose from, each with their own goodies, including a physical copy of the game at $125, along with the game bible and an art book. So, if you like comedy adventure games, choose a pledge tier at the Sam Suede kickstarter



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    koosjebig on 04 Jun, 2012, 20:33…
    You know, i was so annoyed by this pathetic Paul Trowe character acting on behalf of Al Lowe, claiming on twitter he was going to sue them, that I backed this project. I'm a fan of Steve Ince (although he's not in the eact same league as Tim, Ron, Jane), but he made some great games, and is a great person, active in the AG community. I agree the game looks silly (little bit too immature), and at the current rate they'll never make it, but I pledged anyway :)
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    Remi on 04 Jun, 2012, 15:24…
    Apparently this whole thing might go to court, to have Lowe's name removed from the Kickstarter.

    (Other than that, I'd say it generally looks pretty awful.)
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    ThunderPeel2001 on 04 Jun, 2012, 14:43…
    Oh, man. This looks so bad. "Nice melons"? Really? Boy oh boy.

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