
Puzzle Agent in July Jubilee 03 Aug, 2012 / 1 comment

Indie Royale's July Jubilee is still going (for one more day), even though it's August now. If you pay the minimum amount (currently just under $5.50 US), you will receive Puzzle Agent, Geneforge Saga, Oniken, Mutant Storm Reloaded, SWIFT☆STITCH, and Unepic. If you pay $8.00 or more, you will also receive the music CD, Chiptune, full of (shocker) chiptune music.


1 Comment

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    AlfredJ on 03 Aug, 2012, 14:45…
    For one second I thought July Jubilee was the subtitle of a new Puzzle Agent game. Then I was sad. Then I realized it would have been a stupid subtitle. Then I was still sad.

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