
Pumpkin House of Horrors 2020 28 Oct, 2020 / 4 comments

After taking last year off, The Pumpkin House of Horrors has made its diabolical return. This year's carving is topical, yet in the same grisly tradition you know and love. Check it out, and revisit the legacy collection while you're there.

Don't scare us like that again, Dave.

Source: Phrenopolis



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    St_Eddie on 01 Nov, 2020, 14:30…
    I very much enjoy Dave Grossman's annual showcase of pumpkins! (the exclamation point is mandatory). Long may the tradition continue.
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    Jennifer on 31 Oct, 2020, 20:31…


    And, though this is slightly outside the Mojo purview, he has a new game out.

    I actually quite like these Earplay games. They're pretty much text adventures for the modern era.
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    Scummbuddy on 30 Oct, 2020, 16:05…
    I love these pumpkins. Thanks for reminding me and thank you Dave for the gross joy.
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    Kroms on 30 Oct, 2020, 01:24…
    And, though this is slightly outside the Mojo purview, he has a new game out.

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