
Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin will be first-person, released next year 16 Dec, 2015 / 0 comments

That's about what I was able to extract from this VRFocus article. As you may have already forgotten due to the avalanche of great news that's been going down the last few weeks, we're in fact looking at two upcoming Psychonauts games, and one of them will be out next year as an exclusive for the PlayStation VR, whatever that is.

The main nugget of info here is that the game will be first person, which will, and I quote, "bring unique twists to several powers, including using the character’s clairvoyance to see through the eyes of other people as well as also utilising telekinesis to move objects and pyrokinesis to burn them." Sounds like good clean fun for those of you who will be buying this PS4 accessory!

Source: VRFocus


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