
Psychonauts in Germany(?) 29 Jan, 2006, 00:35 / Comments: 9

OK, so my German isn't what it used to be (and it wasn't that good in the first place,) but it looks to me like the German PAL version of the ausgezeichnete game Psychonauts is quite possibly to be found. Discuss, particularly if you know German.


  • counting_pine on 30 Jan, 2006, 23:41…
    I couldn't be bothered to dig out my German dictionary, so I just ran the page through GT.
    The German bits become semi-coherent English. The English bits are left a bit mangled though. Hectar hectar hectar!
  • Rutt on 30 Jan, 2006, 13:20…
    I already bought it.. at Amazon.
    It will arrive tomorrow, I think.
    So er.. yes it is released here in Germany.
  • Laserschwert on 30 Jan, 2006, 10:24…
    FYI, in the German version Razputin is voiced by Sandra Schwittau, the German voice of Bart Simpson. She has already lend her voice to Max in the German version of "Sam & Max Hit the Road".
  • monkeyboobs on 29 Jan, 2006, 20:36…

    Bin Deutscher. Buh! :P
  • Sven_Q45 on 29 Apr, 2008, 21:07…
    Me too...
  • Haggis on 29 Jan, 2006, 20:28…
    Hmm, it appears that it's indeed available. At least, you can buy it at

    Das ist ja doch super toll, nicht?
  • Gustav on 29 Jan, 2006, 10:30…
    Yesterday I saw a review in a Dutch newspaper, so I guess it's possible that it's released here in Europe
  • nordic on 29 Jan, 2006, 11:33…
    Newspapers in Norway have reviewed Psychonauts since last August, and it's now scheduled for a February the 10th release date.
    They'll probably review it a third time then, in hope that they actuallt manage to release it on their third try.

    So I wouldn't count on newspaper reviews as a reliable source.
  • Gustav on 29 Jan, 2006, 11:58…
    I saw another review on a dutch gaming site that said the release date is the 10th of february