
Psychonauts hands-on preview 09 Feb, 2005, 16:29 / 4 comments

Over at you can find a very current, positive, and worthwhile preview of Psychonauts written by someone who got some actual one on one hands-on time with the game.

The preview talks mostly about the gameplay (something I know people are interested in) and the art direction (something you've probably heard and seen plenty of, but it can't hurt to get a bit more), and touches briefly on the story. Here's a clip:<:MORENEWS:>
Without giving too much of the plot and gameplay goodness away (you really need to play this game to fully grasp it?s "why the heck hasn?t anyone done this before-ness?"), what?s so sweet about the game is how well everything just...flows. Raz?s platforming talents are on par with the best in the genre, yet Psychonauts uses elements from role-playing, adventure, fighting, and action games as well. It?s a thinking man?s (and woman?s) game that?ll make even the most skeptical gamer sport a wide grin within seconds.

Chalk it up to a team and leader with plenty of talent and a host of smashing games created for the PC way back when. Raz can level up and improve his powers by exploring each mind and uncovering figments of imagination, emotional baggage and the keys to unlock them, and what may initially seem to be random bits of information that upon closer examination reveal quite a number of surprising touches.
Wallpaper junkies should also check out BonusStage's Psychonauts art gallery, which contains many high-res concept art and screenshot gems, like this, and this. Anyway check out the full 3-page story here.


  • Jake on 09 Feb, 2005, 20:40…
    They try to link to some art of a lab, but they got the URL wrong. If you want to see the "Sasha's Lab" artwork, it's right here.
  • Udvarnoky on 09 Feb, 2005, 18:58…
    Excellent preview. I think I'm going to pre-order more copies of Psychonauts for the birthdays of relatives I don't have.
  • Jayel on 09 Feb, 2005, 18:27…
    the dancefloor concept art looks just ridiculously amazing. I'm soooooo jealous of whoever painted that
  • Remi O on 09 Feb, 2005, 16:57…
    Sweet, super sweet!