
Pirates 3 Trailer Online 20 Mar, 2007, 18:06 / 6 comments

As Udvarnoky suggested yesterday, the trailer for the third Pirates of the Caribbean movie is online now.

There's not much to say. The film has clearly gone even further off the depp deep end with its fantasy pirate gibberish... but it does look like fantastic fun.

The length of time it took for this trailer is worrying though - the film is supposed to be in theatres in a little over two months, and there are rumours that it's not been a particularly fun post-production. Let's just hope that's because they're trying to keep the same stunning quality of CGI, and not because the film has a bloated plot (with too many subplots) and more than a few holes.

The trailer's on Yahoo, but I'd go to Movie-List to download a copy and fullscreen it up.

Source: Movie-List



  • Scummbuddy on 22 Mar, 2007, 04:38…
    Anyone else notice the completely same monkey call that was used in CMI as well. More and more similarities!
  • elTee on 23 Mar, 2007, 14:07…
    Yeah I hear that a lot. I guess it's just ILM / Skywalker Sound stock.
  • The Tingler on 22 Mar, 2007, 01:10…
    Even though Pirates 2 was bloated, that cannibal island bit was totally irrelevant to the plot, and a bit overlong, it's still the most fun I had watching a film in all of 2006.
  • Gabez on 21 Mar, 2007, 01:12…
  • Udvarnoky on 21 Mar, 2007, 00:30…
    The reason they're only putting a trailer out now is due to the immense success of the Pirates 2 DVD. Why spend money on Pirates 3 advertising when Pirates 2 is still going strong?
  • clone2727 on 20 Mar, 2007, 20:10…
    Can't wait :)