
Page 17 of Monkey Island Comic 21 Oct, 2002, 08:06 / 3 comments

The World of Monkey Island has posted page 17 of Paco Vink's The Secret of Monkey Island comic book adaption. If you haven't been keeping up with this, the comic is drawn in a Curse of Monkey Island vein with a bit of Paco's own artistic style mixed in. It's really worth reading, so go here! Now!


  • QueZTone on 22 Oct, 2002, 13:13…
    you own paco, i hope you find the energy to finish the comic :)
  • Paco on 22 Oct, 2002, 14:40…
    Thanks :)
    I really plan to finish the comic and not give up after 20 pages or so. It might take a while to finish, but it's a lot of fun to do. (I especially look forward to doing Part 2 and 3.)
  • Scummbuddy on 21 Oct, 2002, 20:14…
    I was wondering what happened to these.