
Originality Sucks 09 May, 2001, 23:39 / Comments: 10

Or so Lucasarts apparently likes to believe. Yet another Star Wars game is being shoveled upon us, this time in the form of a sequel. Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron 2 is slated for Gamecube, and a preview is availible here. This stunner will likely be officially unvailed tommorrow. I'm as ripe with anticipation as you are.

*The opinions expressed here are those of Mercatfat and do not necesarilly reflect those of Mixnmojo. :D



  • Jake on 10 May, 2001, 01:23…
    Rogue Squadron 2 is the only Star Wars title this year that I'm actually looking forward to! Have you seen the Death Star run video from Spaceworld? It looked just like the movies!
  • Jake on 10 May, 2001, 01:26…
    Check out this MPG. I was impressed at least. Of course I'm a Gamecube groupie :) I'll probably post that in the news again when LEC "officially" announces it either tonight or next week (well that's my guess at least).
  • mercatfat on 10 May, 2001, 01:25…
    Yes.. But it's more Star Wars...
  • Jake on 10 May, 2001, 01:28…
    It looks like this year is all Star Wars with the exception of EMI's re-announced port to PS2. I'm sure a lot of people are upset by this but complaining won't change it. I'm sure there are at least a *couple* non-franchise titles brewing inside LEC somewhere, but they're not presentable or far enough along to be announced.
  • spaff on 10 May, 2001, 08:51…
    Yeah, hang on folks, they are not giving up on us :) fear not the Starwars will not ..... oh well u get the idea
  • Remi O on 10 May, 2001, 01:15…
    Wow... Of the three next games predicted I've gotten one right already. Guess LEC are giving up on adventures.
  • Trapezoid on 10 May, 2001, 01:39…
    No they haven't! Simon Jeffery told me! They ARE going to have at least one adventure.
  • penbrook on 10 May, 2001, 02:37…
    yea...the port of Monkey Island 4 Penbrook, Scummbuddy
  • Trapezoid on 10 May, 2001, 00:14…
    What's wrong with sequels? MI2's a sequel.
  • mercatfat on 10 May, 2001, 00:22…
    Sequelality (Is that a word?) is fine, it's the Star Wars part that bothers me.