Original Adventures? Lego Indy previewed! 07 Feb, 2008 / Comments: 9
The eagerly awaited Lego Indiana Jones has been previewed by the UK's Edge Magazine, and we've got a juicy taste right here.
For me though, the most interesting fact revealed is the full title: Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures. Now this is obviously so people don't feel short-changed when the buy it in June and discover it doesn't have any Crystal Skulls in it (although I'm prepared to bet there'll be a Bonus Level set then), but does this mean there might be a Lego Indy II somehow?
Update: Screenshots has been added. Groovy.
*The Jungle Temple/Escape from the Jungle Temple
*Nepal Bar Shootout
*Cairo Marketplace Chase
*Well of Souls
*Chasing the Ark
*German Submarine Base/Final Scene (?)
Temple of Doom
*Shootout at the Club Obi-Won
*Downhill Raft Slalom
*Journey to/in Pankot (?)
*Stealing the Sankara Stones/Rescuing Willie (?)
*Mine Cart Chase
*The Final Showdown/Bridge Fight
*Young Indiana Jones Chase
*Beneath the Streets of Venice/Speedboat Chase (?)
*Rescuing Henry Jones Sr.
*Motorcycle Chase
*Escaping the Zeppelin
*Attacking the Convoy/The Three Challenges/Final Scene (?)
*KOCS Bonus Level
Your thoughts?
Let's continue this in the forum!
It can be done, definitely, but I would imagine that any sequel will also draw content from non-movie sources (or have new, original content like most Star Wars games)
I'd be all in.