
Once Upon a Monster excites E3 attendees and Tim's daughter 07 Jun, 2011 / 1 comment

Enough about the Star Wars Kinect game that Craig Derrick's producing just to confuse the management while secretly advancing that lofty goal of rejuvenating adventure games...let's talk about Sesame Street: Once Upon a Monster, the Double Fine Kinect game headed by Nathan Martz. There was a demo on display at E3 and a bit more info on how the game is going to play.

Like any other E3 story, a write-up can be found on like 500 game sites, but let's go with VentureBeat since they did a video interview with Nathan Martz and Tim that you can watch. And below from Youtube is the live presentation of the demo by guided by Schafer and co-played by some kid followed by a new trailer featuring gameplay:

Source: VentureBEat


1 Comment

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    The Tingler on 08 Jun, 2011, 10:36…
    I am utterly astonished and really angry at Microsoft for not also showing Trenched while Tim was there. It's an Xbox Live exclusive for f***'s sake, looks lots of fun (and very hardcore-y), but it's not Kinect, so it can p*** off.

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