
On Stranger Tides trailer 2 24 Mar, 2011 / 5 comments

Ian McShane is a bad man.

Source: Youtube



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    Capn_Nacho on 26 Mar, 2011, 07:04…


    What if Activision took on a policy of "for every x million in profit from commercial blockbuster games, we'll put 1 % of it towards the budget of a more experimental "art" game..."

    As far as I can tell Activision isn't doing this because they're pure evil. As for other game companies, I really have no idea.
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    Ascovel on 25 Mar, 2011, 17:00…
    @Logic: What would you like to see to happen in the POTC series then? What wouldn't feel 'samey', while not feeling out of place in POTC?
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    Logic on 25 Mar, 2011, 04:30…
    The thing that always disappoints me is that none of these people who rake in zillions of dollars from movie franchises ever get the idea "hey, now that we're rolling in cash and a lot of people will come and see another one of these films regardless of what it's like, lets rock the boat! Lets use some of these zillions to do something unexpected and out of the ordinary and REALLY get people talking!"

    I feel the same way about the massive game companies\publishers. Surely it is to their industry's benefit when boundaries are pushed.. What if Activision took on a policy of "for every x million in profit from commercial blockbuster games, we'll put 1 % of it towards the budget of a more experimental "art" game which we do not expect to make any money but with which we can try new things, find out what works or not, and attempt to give something back to the world of gaming (and employ some passionate but less commercial writers\artists\etc). A game for the sake of itself and not for profit." Since these games would stand out from the crowd I'm sure they would find an audience and potentially every now and then one would go off and be the start of a successful franchise or genre.

    I'm sure this film will be fun and all, but it's looking pretty samey.
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    elTee on 24 Mar, 2011, 18:20…
    I simultaneously love them and hate them for making another one of these movies.
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    Ascovel on 24 Mar, 2011, 16:47…
    And Keith Richard's face depends on the light?

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