
No Indy trailer until February 04 Dec, 2007 / Comments: 2

Yep. Originally George Lucas predicted that the first teaser trailer for the film would be out "around Thanksgiving," and more recently that has changed to"before Christmas." But now it seems Lucasfilm/Paramount has decided to keep the trailer to itself until the Superbowl, giving the first Crystal Skull footage the exposure of the most watched TV event of the year for the marginal cost of $6 million, likely paid for with Freelance Police's marketing budget.

More here.

Source: Wild About Movies Blog



  • Udvarnoky on 06 Dec, 2007, 00:59…
    Okay, just to warn folks: there are now HUGE spoilers for Crystal Skull on the web. We're talking full plot details. If you don't want the movie ruined, it might be best to avoid non-official web stuff for the movie from here on out, because it's all in the open now.
  • Gabez on 04 Dec, 2007, 21:42…
    And I was so looking forward to it -- but at least the Prince Caspian trailer is out tomorrow (5th) for any Narnia fans!