
New Indy4 poster 26 Feb, 2008, 16:58 / 5 comments

Someone found a new official Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull poster. This one features Harrison Ford and - godammit - Shia LaBoeuf side by side. This is, obviously, not the final Drew Struzan poster, which is probably still a few months away and will likely feature the entire main cast (and will look something like this if we're lucky), but I figured you might want to check this one out anyway.


  • The Tingler on 26 Feb, 2008, 22:58…
    I don't mind him actually. However, if the Indy franchise is handed over to him I will be looking for blood.

    The poster's awful too. Luckily it's just a promo thing.
  • jp-30 on 26 Feb, 2008, 21:55…
    Shia Laboeuf - the new Jar-Jar Binks.
  • McScurvy on 26 Feb, 2008, 19:30…
    I really hope the final scene to this film isn’t Indy giving his hat to LaBoeuf’s character in some sort of “changing of the guard” garbage but I keep getting the feeling that something like this will happen.

    Maybe it’s the realization that Ford can’t play Indy forever mixed with Spielberg’s borderline disturbing obsession to make LaBoeuf Hollywood’s next big thing and George Lucas‘s subconscious desire to turn all he’s created into suck.

    I’ll still be there on opening day.
  • Dirk on 26 Feb, 2008, 18:43…
    I don't hate Shia LaBoeuf. I just have a strong feeling of dislike, mixed with aversion, despise, antipathy and abomination.
  • neon_git on 26 Feb, 2008, 17:43…
    I hate Shia Laboeuf.