LucasArts managed to include a brief trailer for an upcoming title in the bonus section of Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter for the PlayStation 2. What looks to be the first in a line of Attack of the Clones-related games, Bounty Hunter appears to be an action game starring Jango Fett.
The trailer boasts some amazing 3D graphics and particle effects, and for those that don't own Jedi Starfighter, you can view the trailer in its entirety here.
Source: LucasConsoles
On the Star Wars side there is Bounty Hunter, the SW Battlegrounds Expansion Pack, and Jedi Starfighter. There's 3. On the non-Star Wars side there's the Indy game and the Planet Moon game. That's 2. And it's only half way through March. Let's say the next game that's announced is an original, non Star Wars title. That brings it right back to 50/50 Star Wars/Original announcements for 2002.