
Never-before-seen KOTOR demo saved from premature burial 04 Jul, 2023 / 0 comments

Video game documentary filmmakers Noclip have somehow acquired themselves a lot of boxes of tapes (remember those?) that they're now digitising—a decade's worth of video game history, mostly feature and BTS material, that was apparently headed for a landfill from the GameSpot vault. Among the initial batch of unearthed videos is this behind-closed doors demo of Knights of the Old Republic, from E3 2001 (remember E3?).


Noclip's Danny O'Dwyer explains more here:


One wonders at the mid-2000s gems they'll unearth from the Psychonauts, Telltale, and Special Edition days. Wonders and—if one were there and remembers the clammy awkwardness of game press events of the era—probably prays against.

Source: Noclip Games History Archive


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