
Naked girls on page three! 26 Jan, 2006, 02:32 / 5 comments

Don't know what the hell I'm talking about? Clearly you're not hip. Enlighten yourself by gazing at the lovely fourth installment of the Sam & Max web comic.


  • itchythesamurai on 29 Jan, 2006, 06:38…
    Any idea what the roach thingie is saying? My guess is just hissing.
  • woxel1 on 26 Jan, 2006, 21:38…
    What in the hell is going on here?
  • woxel1 on 27 Jan, 2006, 04:21…
    Oh, and did anyone else notice the Sam & Max floppy in the latest Strongbad Email?
  • Gabez on 26 Jan, 2006, 09:10…
    Haha, that's the funniest page so far... EVER!
  • pheeph on 26 Jan, 2006, 03:09…
    nice one