
My Kickstarter Project: Mr. Mac's Rainbow Greenhouse 13 Mar, 2015 / 2 comments

My dad passed away 15 years ago this month. He was a special education teacher and substitute principal who made a point to teach his students (and my sister and I) that differences should be embraced, and I've begun a Kickstarter project to seek funding to create six 11 minute children's cartoons and a family friendly adventure game in the spirit of the Humongous Junior adventures.


My dad left his greenhouse to his school and his students picked the name and dedicated it "Mr. Mac's Rainbow Greenhouse". The name is going to live on in this project to honor his legacy.



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    Jennifer on 16 Mar, 2015, 01:48…
    Thanks, AlfredJ. I appreciate it. :)
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    AlfredJ on 15 Mar, 2015, 12:26…
    Great cause Jen. I'll throw some money your way in a couple of days.

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