The third episode of Telltale's Wallace and Gromit's Grand Adventures is free for one week, starting today, in celebration of the 20th anniversay of Wallace and Gromit's debut (meaning the offer ends Monday, November 9th, 12pm PST). My dad summed-up potential reaction when he said: "Man, I feel so old."
The series as a whole is going for $20 this week. Any purchase of the game will mean £1, or almost $1.60, donated by Telltale to one of two charities: the UK's Wallace and Gromit Children's Foundation, or the United States's Penny Arcade Child's Play.
Muzzled! was directed by Sean Vanaman, who you may know as the writer of Chapter Three of Tales of Monkey Island, Lair of the Leviathan. From what I can tell, Muzzled! seems to be the best of the lot. I wanted to consult the fourth review written by our W&G critic, Zaarin, to compare but couldn't, because - to my shock and horror - he had not written one.
Update: Anyone here a little short on cash should be happy as well, since every completed Telltale series is going for $20 this weekend, till Monday, November 9th, 12 PM (PST). For anyone out there who has not played the new Sam and Max games, or Strong Bad: now's your chance.
(Special thanks to Giygas, who mentioned this before but, because I couldn't verify it when the store was temporarily inaccessible, did not get any credit. Thanks again!)
Source: Telltale's Blog
"[...] every completed Telltale series"