
Monkey Island Special Editions on sale 06 Jul, 2011 / 5 comments

There's only 50 minutes left at the time of writing, but the special editions of Monkey Island 1 and 2 are in today's steam summer sale with 50% off. Thats £3.49 each or £5.24 for both.


The sale has now rolled over to the next day. Both games are still on sale but there's only 33% off this time.

Source: Steam



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    QueZTone on 07 Jul, 2011, 06:24…
    let's use Buckazoids
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    clone2727 on 06 Jul, 2011, 20:41…
    No, but one could choose one unit and stick with it -- just some kind of consistency would be nice!
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    Remi on 06 Jul, 2011, 18:51…
    Mixnmojo: We have updaters from different countries.

    Can't very well post every currency out there. ¬
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    bgbennyboy on 06 Jul, 2011, 17:10…
    We do?
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    clone2727 on 06 Jul, 2011, 17:02…
    Mixnmojo: We use various monetary units inconsistently

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