
Monkey Island 5? 30 Mar, 2002, 12:03 / Comments: 32

Over the last few weeks we have been recieving mail from an anonymous person who not only claims but insists that a 5th Monkey Island game has been under production at LucasArts for the past year. Seeing as we are pretty close to LucasArts and have heard nothing of the sort, we demanded proof... and we were sent this sound file, which apparently is taken from the game.

Revealing a possible plot, the voice is undoubtedly that of Dominic Armato, who has yet to respond to our e-mails asking if he was involved with LEC at this time.

We will apparently be sent more 'leaked' sound files over the coming days, as this one we said was inconclusive since it could have been an out-take from EMI. Hopefully the other files will give us a better idea. Of course, if there is a Monkey Island 5 in production, more details will probably be given this May at E3.


  • SamNMax on 14 Apr, 2002, 08:14…
    I seans a great disturbance in the force! As if MI5 was an April fools joke!
  • SamNMax on 14 Apr, 2002, 08:14…
    I seans a great disturbance in the force! As if MI5 was an April fools joke!
  • SrpskiPrinc on 31 Mar, 2002, 11:58…
  • LucasTones on 31 Mar, 2002, 10:49…
    Ok, so whats happening? April fools or no april fools? I think this whole Monkey Island story has been completely ruined by EMI, and to a lesser extent CMI. I'm sorry. I mean, they are great individual games, but they are sooo different to SOMI and LCR. Sorry, but at least MI5 is the last one. That much is fact. I just didn't expect it so soon.
  • Kingzjester on 31 Mar, 2002, 12:53…
    The problem with CMI and then EMI is that the games have buried themselves into explaining what the previous games have left unexplained. I have really nothing against CMI (whilst my hatred for EMI is as dark as singularity) but with that game the process of "banalization" of the series hath begun.

    We didn't need to know what the secret of Monkey Island was; we didn't need to return to Monkey Island subsequently (and force a return by claiming that Dinky is Monkey and whatnot); we didn't need to have a wedding at the end of CMI (or at least something had to separate Guybrush and Elaine); we didn't need to watch "post-Gilbertine" era designers wallowing pathetically whilst trying to fill the gaps -- the gaps that posed no threat to the story -- like filling in the gaps between rods in the steel construction of the Eiffel tower: no purpose to it because the structure is already stable enough -- by doing so one is only making the whole edifice heavier, bulkier and harder to swallow.

    The plot holes are not important! Who cares that there is a sh**load of stones left unturned! What made the first two games so great was the independence from each other, while CMI and EMI had so much tedious dialogue that attempted to connect the previous games, but only increased the use of the magical "Esc" key...

    Anyhow, LEC, people, we know that we asked for some non-Star Wars games, but we meant "MAKE SOMETHING REEEEAAAALLLLLLYY NEW" not "destroy more old classics"...
  • Mad Lord Snapcase on 31 Mar, 2002, 06:04…
    Isn't it obvious? Four secrets: Secret one, er, Ghosts can be killed with Root Beer. Secret two, Guybrush is in actual fact a little kid who has imagined it all. Secret three, no he isn't. And secret four, the monkey head is a giant robot. All moving up towards... the fifth secret of monkey island, ie. MI5.
  • invisibelle on 31 Mar, 2002, 09:51…
    (this is Jake not invis) I thought the 4 secrets were 1) Monkey Head contains LeChuck, his minions, and crazy lava pits underground, 2) Monkey Island is part of the Big Whoop amusement park and Guybrush is a kid, 3) Big Whoop/The Monkey Head are actually the gateway to hell and turn you into undead zombie minions, 4) The Monkey Head is actually a big robot used for turn-based video game fighting.

    Hopefully the 5th secret is that the 2nd game's secret was in fact correct.
  • raVen_image on 31 Mar, 2002, 07:28…
    I interpreted it as the four different releases for The Secret of Monkey Island. 1)The original release, 2)the VGA-enhanced, 3)Monkey madness, and 4)MI Archives -- "well, four secrets, actually."
  • kyle on 31 Mar, 2002, 05:52…
    It sounds like Dominic is trying to keep a low profile, no-one seems to be able to get hold of him, though its clearly him in the sound file (or a very, very and I mean VERY talented impersonator, like a twin or something!!!)
  • Gabez on 31 Mar, 2002, 05:28…
    Voici que vous allez Guybrushthedrawf. J'utilise l'Altavista traduis
    thingy, ainsi il ne pourrait pas sembler raisonnable complet:)

    " je suis Guybrush Threepwood, le seul non pirate de vampires pour
    savoir le secret de l'?le de singe - bien, quatre secrets
    r?ellement! "
  • Serge on 31 Mar, 2002, 03:08…
    Believe me, Lucas Legal have done nasty stuff on less legit grounds than these. However, seeing Spaff's latest post, I wouldn't be surprised if he is crazy enough to do it anyway :P
  • guybrushthedwarf on 31 Mar, 2002, 02:33…
    hem, I'm franch, can someone write what itis said in this file, because I just underrstood a few things:/ thx
  • LGH on 31 Mar, 2002, 23:57…
    "I'm Guybrush Threepwood, the only non-dead pirate to know the secret of Monkey Island - well, four secrets actually."

    "Je suis Guybrush Threepwood, le seul pirate vivant qui conna?t le secret de Monkey Island - enfin, 4 secrets."
  • Kingzjester on 30 Mar, 2002, 20:30…
    MI5 Intro:

    The screen fades in from black: a picture of an island at night.
    "Deep in the Caribbean..." written on the screen, Jamaican tin drums softly jam in the background as the camera zooms, blurs across rooftops of Melee Island and enters a window of the Marley Mansion. Guybrush and Elaine sleeping in bed. Guybrush screams and jumps up, droplets of sweat fall from his head with the momentum of his jump. Elaine jumps up after him, pulling up a sword from under her pillow, some feathers fly up, and screams back, "Whaaaat's happening!??!" Gybrush: "I had a terrible nightmare! I dreamed EMI was a real Monkey Island game! Pheuh!..."

    How about that, eh?

    Now, why think you that this sort of an April fools kermesse would cause Lucas Legal to pull their scythes and mow Spaff? They have no ground to do so in the first place... as long as Mixnmojo doesn't become a sort of a yellow journalism of the LEC (imagine such titles as "Tim Schafer drives hog, broken cargo plane over Grand Canyon", or "Dominic Armato challenging random passengers to insult sword-fighting on cruise"...)...
  • chuzwuzza on 30 Mar, 2002, 19:02…
    April fools is early this year, hey?
  • Serge on 30 Mar, 2002, 17:30…
    Hmmm... Actually, Dalixam (as I said on IRC), it would surprise me if Spaff would be stupid enough to do some kind of elaborate Aprils Fools joke like this. The one major LucasArts related site spreading false rumours of a new game? Lucas Legal wouldn't like it. Actually, my bet is they'd be very interested in finding every piece of dirt they could to get the site shut down. And Spaff knows that. :)

    - Serge

  • Dalixam on 30 Mar, 2002, 16:16…
    Btw, nice April fools joke Mojo :)
    You had me going for a second there. You posted it a day too early though, unless you plan to post more sound files over the next two days :)
  • Fizz on 30 Mar, 2002, 15:54…
    Maybe it's an unused sound file, I've seen that before. But then again, why would he say he knows four secrets in MI4? If he really is leaking stuff I think you should report him, I'm on Lucasarts's side, not leakers (even though I'am very anxious for MI5!).
  • QueZTone on 31 Mar, 2002, 02:58…
    what's your problem? from the sound of it you would sell out Dom in any opportunity you'd get. Blegh. Dom's da man!
  • Dalixam on 30 Mar, 2002, 15:47…
    Let's hope they create a plot and story just as good as in EMI
  • MonkeyMug on 30 Mar, 2002, 14:54…
    Hmm... Marek's right if it is Dom, it sounds like he has a cold, compare it to you'll see the pitch of his voice is off. or just a file quality thing, hee ^.^;
  • Murray-Mint on 30 Mar, 2002, 14:49…
    Hmm, as I mentioned in the channel, and GregD also commented on, the quality is too good to be some hoax, it sounds like Dom's voice, but then, the people who speak to him a bit or have met him will be the best to judge on this. DJG says that the email headers check out as being from a legitimate source.

    Let's hope that the plot and story is much better than in EMI :)
  • invisibelle on 30 Mar, 2002, 16:52…
    I tried to call him, but I think he's out of the country or something because I just got his voice mail. anyway, no doubt it's him... just want to ask him what it's all about. Who knows, it could be some kind of advertisement or something?
  • DJG on 30 Mar, 2002, 14:27…
    Wonder what they'll do with the plot line of this one.
  • invisibelle on 30 Mar, 2002, 13:49…
    hopefully if it's real, it'll be good. no further comment. heh.
  • mymipage on 30 Mar, 2002, 13:46…
    It does sound like him. Maybe it's a bit off because there is no music in the background
  • Marek on 30 Mar, 2002, 13:36…
    Dude... I know what Dominic sounds like. This is not Dominic. Unless they used some different recording equipment or he got a cold or something (which is unlikely), this isn't him.

    Nice imitation though.
  • CaliMonk on 31 Mar, 2002, 01:38…
    Well you clearly didn't play enough CMI/EMI coz its clearly dominic. Oh well.
  • Marek on 01 Apr, 2002, 01:28…
    If it's really Dominic he does sound different than usual. I think his Guybrush-voice should be a little higher pitched? The second mp3 is much more convincing though.
  • Huz on 01 Apr, 2002, 10:51…
    His Guybrush voice from CMI, at least, is lower pitched than in this MP3. His EMI voice is much more similar.
  • Dalixam on 30 Mar, 2002, 13:16…
    The sound file is clearly not from EMI. Nowhere in EMI does Guybrush say that and he also talks about 4 secrets, meaning that it is after the Giant Robot.
  • QueZTone on 30 Mar, 2002, 13:13…
    hmm...this may sound strange but i dont think im ready for a Monkey Island 5.. :/

    I rather see some other original games first =]

    Or JK3! :) Or just an Expansion Pack to JK2 =]