Mojo reviews Cow Race 11 Apr, 2006, 20:29 / Comments: 12
I don't know which is more surprising; that we actually published another review, or that it appeared before the game was released. Regardless!
The second Bone game is completely reviewed, and quite enjoyable it is. (The game that is.) Read it and post your own thoughts in the comments.
Update: Just to clarify; the game is released tomorrow, Wednesday 12th.
Which would you prefer: Spending $39.99 and getting a quality Adventure that lasts you ages, or spending $12.99 7 or 8 times and getting 7 or 8 okayish Adventures that last you a couple of hours each?
Also: When did adventure games "last you ages" exactly?! I think the average gameplay time must be about 10-12 hours for a "classic" adventure game, tops. That's three or four of these BONE games which lasts you about 9 to 12 hours for $33 to $46.
Seems worth it to me.
Since they're quality games, I'm more than happy to pay for them, too. If they weren't quality (and were just like the average "fan" adventure game), then I wouldn't.
What if you got, say, half of the Bone series all at once in one game? For $39.99?
And instead of feeling pressured to make a game every few months, Telltale worked hard and took time to make the finest adventure they could?
Personally I'd be happy with waiting longer and getting the whole thing at once (or twice) and superb, rather than wait six months a time and get 7-8 okay-good games.
And the alternative being, wait longer for each episode.
I am enjoying it, you know!
"Yes, there is a race in The Great Cow Race. No, it's not as annoying as the chase scenes in Out from Boneville."