
Mojo exclusive: New Vampyre Character 29 Mar, 2005 / Comments: 9

Bill Tiller drops The Mojo an exclusive Character Sheet from the pre-production documents of A Vampyre Story.
"It is an image of Dr. Riga Mortus, one of the many villains in the game. He captures Mona at one point because he wants to experiment on her. He wants to figure out how vampires get such spectacular powers."
Stay tuned for more "A Vampyre Story" developments in the coming week...

Source: AME



  • Scummbuddy on 31 Mar, 2005, 13:18…
    Legend of MI states that there will be a sequel to Vampyre if the first one does well. they say its planned out.
  • itchythesamurai on 30 Mar, 2005, 01:33…
    Them gloves gave me the jeeblies. No complaints though.
  • jp-30 on 30 Mar, 2005, 01:56…
    Yes, very "Grand Moff Tarkin" (see below)
  • Remi O on 29 Mar, 2005, 19:59…
    Also, is it just me, or does this dude look a lot like Vincent Price?
  • jp-30 on 29 Mar, 2005, 20:16…
    Yeah. You both look a lot like Vincent Price.
  • Metallus on 31 Mar, 2005, 01:07…
    Oh, snap.
  • Udvarnoky on 29 Mar, 2005, 19:44…
    Bill Tiller heart Mojo.
  • jp-30 on 29 Mar, 2005, 18:04…
    Oh. LucasArts are making publishing Battlefront2, but I don't think it deserves to knock this or ScummVM down the news page just yet.
  • Remi O on 29 Mar, 2005, 17:33…