
Making the Brutal Legend menu 06 Jun, 2010 / 1 comment

If you enjoy things that are awesome, then I feel pretty safe in assuming that you dug the interactive menu for Brutal Legend, which was comprised of live action footage of Jack Black's quest for a 70s-style heavy metal vinyl in a record store. But did you ever wonder how that cool intro was actually put together? Joe Kowalski, UI Artist at Double Fine and the man responsible for this task, has satisfied your undeniable thirst for behind the scenes knowledge in the form of a rather informative Youtube video. The first minute or so discusses various decisions made in coming up with the in-game interface aesthetic, while the rest covers the superb menu. See it!

Source: Youtube


1 Comment

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    ThunderPeel2001 on 06 Jun, 2010, 16:43…
    Wow, great video!

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