Updated 18 Apr, 2004 / Comments: 15
Okay this may have happened a while ago and we missed it, but reader spaceship789 just pointed out that Lucasfilm's website got redesigned at some point. Why am I telling you this? Well, for one, the opening collage artwork is almost cool enough to melt the jaded heart of any fanboy.
LucasArts is even represented in the collage by characters from original titles like Armed & Dangerous and... Sam & Max? Yes oddly enough, Max appears at the bottom of the image, looking far happier than he's looked in his life. Maybe George is a Sam and Max fan or something, who knows? More likely than not, the artwork for the site was done long before Sam and Max got cancelled and it was too late to change it, but its funny how they keep showing up at the least appropriate times.
They are proud of it and they cancelled it ? Definitely despisable businessmen...
BURN (I burned you)
Seriously, thats cool :)