Lucas to fans: Don't see Indiana Jones 4 22 Apr, 2008 / Comments: 9
There's a nice Q&A with Steven Spielberg and George Lucas at Entertainment Weekly about Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. In it Lucas continues to express his amusing "Everybody is gonna hate this movie" attitude, but there's also some good info in there.
A second article, this one from the LA Times, discusses the financial situation for the movie's participants, including the fact that it has to gross more than $400 million before it can start earning a profit. That's a lot of adventure game marketing budgets.
I say, screw him! The Indy movies were awesome, and I think that more than half of that awesome power, came from Harrison Ford alone, so as long as he has more screen time than that kid, it should be a good movie.
So ... anyone else going to camp out opening day?
I'm just saying, the world is full of shitty things you cant change, no point in dragging crap like a movie budget into the picture.
I'm done, I swear.