
Kotor Chat time! 10 Jan, 2003 / Comments: 6

LucasArts have kindly pointed out that there is an upcoming chat session with the folks behind Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic:
Come and join BioWare?s art director, Derek Watts and producers, Casey Hudson (BioWare) and Mike Gallo (LucasArts) for a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic chat, at Stratics on Jan. 16th. [snip]

In addition, fans can post questions ahead of time, at the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic official forums, and the developers will answer these questions at the chat on Jan. 16th.
If you fancy heading along, you can fire up your favourite irc client on Thursday, Jan. 16th at 6:00 pm Pacific Time and connect to one of the following servers:
  • port 6667 USA - Colorado
  • port 6667 USA - Colorado
  • port 6667 EU - Germany
#StarwarsHOC is the channel!

More information can be found here. Nice to see that they're using IRC this time instead of that wacky Java client from past chats.

Update: As pointed out by Ronda Scott from LucasArts in the comments, this chat is art-specific - focusing on the graphics and visual design of the game - as they've already done a general Knights chat.


  • QueZTone on 10 Jan, 2003, 11:02…
    [no that was just too annoying]
  • Jake on 10 Jan, 2003, 10:27…
    I still think "Kotor" sounds like the name of a Hanna-Barbara supervillan.
  • LEC_Ronda on 10 Jan, 2003, 09:58…
    It's the first art-specific chat. Time permitting, other questions will be entertained, but the focus will be on the art and graphics of the game.

  • QueZTone on 10 Jan, 2003, 10:54…
    whooo! Super Ronda is cool :) You're showing up at all kinds of fansites, awesome!
  • Marek on 10 Jan, 2003, 10:33…
    Okay, this is cool. LEC is amongst us!
  • QueZTone on 10 Jan, 2003, 04:11…
    they forgot they already did a KOTOR chat? EEEEEEEK