
Jedi Outcast remade as LEGO fanfilm 08 Jul, 2017 / 3 comments

If you have a quarter of an hour to spare, why not watch the first episode of a LEGO fanfilm adaptation of the classic LucasArts Star Wars shooter Dark Forces III: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast.

Source: Youtube



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    VoodooFX on 10 Jul, 2017, 14:08…
    Wow, can't imagine how much effort had to go into production of such a thing. Hopefully in time we'll see more episodes.

    What I wouldn't do for another Dark Forces game, but that's out of the realm of possibility now that Kyle and the gang got pushed into the Legends timeline.
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    jp-30 on 09 Jul, 2017, 04:53…


    JP lives!

    Well someone has to post the non-Battlefield Non-Mobile Star Wars gaming related news, right?!
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    Jason on 09 Jul, 2017, 04:04…
    JP lives!

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