The game looks very nice, but couldn't they have made a more dramatic video? Like TPM trailer?
Ah well, I look forward to the game.
on 08 Feb, 2002, 10:09…
I think over the last year or so their entire web and video promotional materials making team has been swapped out. Note also the really cool purple-foggy LucasArts logo has gone away and is replaced with a much more boring (and poorly framed, large) one.
on 09 Feb, 2002, 13:36…
plus it says: First Game Trailer =] Could mean that more are coming =]
on 08 Feb, 2002, 02:28…
that looked very nice! :D Hmm, he indeed walked on the wall...something Max Payne didn't even feature :D JK2 will rock out of mojo's pants i tell you!
on 07 Feb, 2002, 18:14…
Looking mighty tasty.
on 07 Feb, 2002, 18:03…
He... walks on walls!
on 07 Feb, 2002, 20:16…
I wonder if JKII has a grind key like Tony Hawk for such things as the Kyle wall ride?
Just look at that sabre action!
Ah well, I look forward to the game.