
It's that time of year again... 18 Apr, 2011 / 3 comments

Welcome to the most contentious day in LucasArts+ history. Yes, today is Bicycle Day, the commemoration of the world's first LSD trip release of Psychonauts.

It's true. On this day in 1943 2005, Albert Hofmann ingested the first intentional dose of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, and changed the world forever Tim Schafer released the groundbreaking video game Psychonauts, which certainly isn't a euphamism for any kind of drug activity. Look, Tim said so himself - twice!

As Bill Hicks once said,

If you don't think drugs have done good things for us then do me a favor. Go home tonight and take all of your records,tapes and all your CD's and burn them. Because, you know all those musicians who made all that great music that's enhanced your lives throughout the years? Real high on drugs.

Psychonauts is a great game, man.

And I don't want to argue the case for The Beatles, The Doors, Black Sabbath or that Monkey Island song, because Tim Schafer did that already. So, happy April 19th everybody!

(By the way, I'm fired.)



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    Aububuh on 19 Apr, 2011, 23:26…
    That's funny, I always thought LSD stood for Lucasarts Shrinks Department.
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    Remi on 19 Apr, 2011, 14:26…
    ... and god bless us everyone!
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    Gabez on 19 Apr, 2011, 08:38…
    Note to Zaarin: please install a means to "like" news posts!

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