The gifted craftsman known as Fedora Smith - whose replicas of props from the Star Wars and Indiana Jones movies had already weltered his Flickr account in fame - was even selling some of his excellence before his stock was depleted earlier today by eager folks who understand the value of a dollar. (That is, they understand that it's irrelevant in the face of OWNING YOUR OWN WORLDSTONE.)
Source: Kotaku
But hey, we'll call it good in the typically passive-aggressive manner of such exchanges, and seal it with some "dismissive" platitude like... "to each their own," or "whatever floats your boat." I'm flexible.
As for the pendant, RelicRaider makes the most perfectly proportioned cast-metal version I've ever seen, regardless of lacking a functional (and wholly useless) bead chamber. As a matter of aesthetic taste, I prefer owning one of RR's celebrated museum-quality collector's pieces over a make-believe amulet carved from a block of plastic resin.
But, to each his own.
Okay, I'm sorry. You're saying that this:
Has bragging rights over this:
Fair play to your artistic confidence, but you're outta your goddamned mind. And I prefer the amulet with the actual "bead chambers," as a purely nitpicky and nostalgic aesthetic choice.
Case closed!
I have traveled the world wearing it looking for Atlantis.