
Inside the Lucasfilm data center 30 Jan, 2007, 12:08 / Comments: 1

CNETNews has a feature and video interview about the inside of the 10,000-square-foot data center, which is housed on a lower level of the Letterman Digital Arts Center, where Lucasfilm is headquartered. The data center has more than 2,000 servers, and over 300 terabytes of capacity.
the data center "far exceeds" the computing power of any other production house in the world. - Kevin Clark, Lucasfilm's director of IT operations.

The feature also holds a gallery of the data center, which is worth checking out. For more pictures, check out the CNETNews gallery from the opening of the Letterman Digital Arts Center in 2005.


1 Comment

  • JBRAA on 30 Jan, 2007, 16:17…
    Added video interview also.