
Infernal Machine Crystal Skull Comic Cover! 13 Feb, 2008, 10:56 / 7 comments

Dark Horse Comics recently released a cover and a few scant details about the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull comic book adaptation. The cover was, it must be said, fairly dull - featuring Indy, Shia LaBeouf with switchblade and sword, and some miscellaneous ruins.

However, they have just released a far superior alternate cover at, which could have been the one for Infernal Machine, until you take a closer look. It'd make a good film poster too. Drew, the gauntlet has been thrown!<:MORENEWS:>
What a fine leather jacket!

Also now available, Italian magazine L'espresso have a new feature up on Indy IV. Unless you speak Italian you won't be able to read it, but there are three small new photos up in the feature. The last one is particularly hilarious.


  • The Tingler on 13 Feb, 2008, 16:48…
    Did you see the photos I linked to from L'espresso? The one of Indy and the snake is excellent! I'm glad his Ophidiophobia is still there!
  • neon_git on 13 Feb, 2008, 18:06…
    Wait ... so Indy's scared of killing his father and marrying his mother?

    If you have poor eyesight and know about Greek mythology you should be laughing about now. Just me then? Right.
  • QueZTone on 13 Feb, 2008, 16:02…
    looks nice, i dont like the skinny look of the skull though.... also blanchett's haircut sucks, and karen looks too old..

    addititionanally :p i think the infernal machine cover rules this one, though the fate of atlantis cover is the best one ever done :)
  • Udvarnoky on 13 Feb, 2008, 17:49…
    My take: The skull looks skinny because it's probably not human, Blanchett's haircut looks creepy and weird and therefore great, and Karen Allen looks old because she is old.
  • Gabez on 13 Feb, 2008, 16:09…
    I agree... love the Soviet flag in the picture though
  • The Tingler on 13 Feb, 2008, 16:46…
    I'm interested in that whipping figure under the two women - is that actually Indy? The coat looks a bit baggy, so could it be Shia LaBeouf?
  • Udvarnoky on 13 Feb, 2008, 15:09…