
Indy IV trailer in less-crappy quality! 03 May, 2008 / Comments: 3

About damn time too! You can experience the new Indiana Jones trailer in full HD quality!

1080p / 720p / 480p

If you can't run HD, The Official Indiana Jones Site has it too. The site has also had a small revamp, which basically means that a very golden Crystal Skull is staring at you the whole time you're there.

EDIT: There's also something on the updated Official Site that you may or may not want to avoid - an official Story Synopsis of Indy IV. Don't say we didn't warn you...


  • Udvarnoky on 04 May, 2008, 22:49…
    Well, somebody's an Internet Nazi, aren't they?
  • ATMachine on 03 May, 2008, 12:22…
    Looks like there's still some digital jiggery-pokery going on in the shot where the Soviets are holding their guns on Indy (or, as the MPAA would have it, Indy's feet).
  • The Tingler on 03 May, 2008, 15:24…
    Yeah. Check out the guard in the background - have you ever seen anyone, especially a soldier, hold a gun like that?

    Considering those same guards were not only pointing their guns at Indy but actually shooting at him 3-4 seconds earlier, it seems even more stupid.