
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny trailer, poster arrive 07 Apr, 2023 / 4 comments

Over in London today is the Star Wars Celebration, an annual convention during which Star Wars, as I understand it, is celebrated.

Lucasfilm still found the time to squeeze in a panel for Indiana Jones in the Dial of Destiny, where audiences were treated to the official trailer. This follows the teaser trailer back in December and the Super Bowl spot in February. Volunteer yourself to be more Twitter Trend than human by checking it out yourself below.

Disney has also shared a new poster for the movie:

Discuss the new unveilings below or in our Indy 5 forum thread. Maybe some of you could pool your talents and throw together an official web page as an act of almsgiving; times are so tough for the studio, still redirects to a Facebook page.



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    Staple Remover on 08 Apr, 2023, 16:39…
    I always said John Williams was my favorite member of The Rolling Stones.
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    Remi on 07 Apr, 2023, 14:55…
    Also, goddamn it, Mojo, get the edit comments feature working again. >:

    Oh, wait...

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    Remi on 07 Apr, 2023, 14:53…
    Dam damdam dam dam WOO WOO Dam damdam dam [b]WOO WOO[/b].

    I’m not sure if the Stones should be thrilled or offended by that choice.
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    OzzieMonkey on 07 Apr, 2023, 13:05…
    I totally forgot that Celebration was happening (probably because I tend to assume all Star Wars related things only happen on May 4th) and now all of a sudden I'm hearing of Rey coming back in a new movie, a Mando movie and a Jedi origin movie plus new Indy trailer on the same day. Madness...absolutely bonkers, I tell ya. Go on Lucasfilm...announce a Monkey Island Disney Plus show tomorrow, you know you want to.

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