You love Psychonauts. You probably love Inception, unless its popularity has made it unhip for you to love. Either way, you will love this.
Huz on 14 Sep, 2010, 19:36…Absolutely fantastic!
spiralout on 14 Sep, 2010, 04:22…I can't believe I didn't realize how much Inception had in common with Psychonauts until now.
Jason on 14 Sep, 2010, 00:13…"Psychonauts: The Movie" came to my mind an awful lot when watching Inception.
Fealiks on 13 Sep, 2010, 23:11…The best inception trailer hybrid yet!
buckminster on 13 Sep, 2010, 23:10…OMG that was awesome 11 ways from sideways! A bit creepy how well it worked together. Kudos to the dedication to editing!
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