
How to Run Old Games Properly 24 Oct, 2002, 10:44 / 6 comments

After all the talk of Quick & Easy, ScummVM, VDMSound, and other obscurely familiar names "guaranteed" to help you play your old SCUMM games, some people are wondering if anyone can actually figure any of that stuff out!

Fortunately everyone's favorite SCUMM Bar, The SCUMM Bar, has written an article called "Get Those Old Games Working Again!" describing just how all of the recent SCUMM tools work and how they can benefit you! Confused people go read now.

Also, has anyone noticed that the SCUMM Bar guys use that image of Guybrush chained up in his underwear a little too frequently?


  • Kingzjester on 24 Oct, 2002, 12:27…
    The SCUMM BAR is led by a group of SICK, UNGODLY PERVERTS!
  • Scummbuddy on 24 Oct, 2002, 11:36…
    Don't you mean not enough. I think that 'chained up Wally' is next.
    How old is the little tyke anyways? Would that be illegal?
  • Remi O on 24 Oct, 2002, 11:00…
    Chained up Guybrush in his underwear attracts the female crowd, man.
  • Dalixam on 24 Oct, 2002, 11:55…
    And part of the male crowd...or so I've heard...*ahem*
  • Remi O on 24 Oct, 2002, 11:58…
    Let's keep the Jake out of this. ?
  • Jake on 24 Oct, 2002, 13:26…