
Hardly recreational reading material, Marty 19 Nov, 2010 / 6 comments

Two new BTTF interviews to report. The first is this Italian one, the Google translated version being here.

Second is an interview with AJ LoCascio, the voice of Marty, by Alternative Magazine Online. Can its brevity be forgiven by its closing promise of more to come?



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    SurplusGamer on 22 Nov, 2010, 14:40…
    It's surely a difficult balance between appealing to the mainstream and not pissing off the existing fan base. When Telltale games announces Back to the Future, if they produce what seems to be an 'on rails' adventure, that WILL annoy and concern fans. I'm hopeful that they'll find a way of doing it that appeals to both groups. Still, sometimes I wish they wouldn't partake in this balancing act, instead taking an 'Okay, you want a Back to the Future game? Fine, but this is a game and you have to meet us halfway.'

    Also, it seems to me that the audience for Back to the Future has a LOT of overlap with the gamer audience, so there are many many fans who are definitely going to be expecting a proper, non-watered down game.

    Anyway, time will tell.
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    Remi on 19 Nov, 2010, 20:35…

    Rum Rogers

    which reached its apotheosis with Tales of MI, I think.

    I'd personally argue the latest Sam & Max season was better than TMI, but regardless...

    I think TTG probably aims different types of games at different types of audiences. Back to the Future will appeal to the mainstream mostly because of the movies, and the mainstream tends to play "casual games." Therefore it wouldn't be surprising to see simple gameplay mechanisms surrounded by an immersive story for the game. (Not unlike Nelson Tethers.)

    If they were to do a Monkey Island game again, I'm fairly sure they'd do it in more of a classic LEC style.

    Variety is a good thing. As long as the puzzles and story are fun, I don't think it'll matter much if certain other elements are simplified.
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    Rum Rogers on 19 Nov, 2010, 14:49…


    I have the feeling Telltale's slowly getting back to its roots (Telltale's Texas Hold'em, the first Bone) with both Poker Night and BTTF. They believed in a personal idea of interactive entertainment they're still pursuing, after all.

    Gee, I hope not, Domenico!
    They've been improving their own style during the years, which reached its apotheosis with Tales of MI, I think.
    Turning back doesn't seem the right path to me... but I trust them!
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    Diduz on 19 Nov, 2010, 10:40…
    I have the feeling Telltale's slowly getting back to its roots (Telltale's Texas Hold'em, the first Bone) with both Poker Night and BTTF. They believed in a personal idea of interactive entertainment they're still pursuing, after all.
    Let's hope for the best. ;-)
    They should really fix the Geforce GTX4xx bug-galore in Nelson Tethers, though.
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    Kroms on 19 Nov, 2010, 09:08…


    Jason, the first link is broken!

    Fixed. Should be working now.

    I agree with you about the one-location thing. Mm. :/ Could be good, but it could also be dangerously watered-down...
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    GozzoMan on 19 Nov, 2010, 08:56…
    Jason, the first link is broken!

    I'm not happy about the single-location puzzles :\

    "Considerato il pubblico a cui si rivolge, che non è solo quello degli appassionati di avventure grafiche ma tutti coloro che hanno amato il film (e sono tanti, e non sono tutti videogiocatori!), abbiamo optato per un approccio piuttosto casual, ponendo l'accento sull'interazione tra i personaggi, risoluzione di enigmi all'interno della medesima location (non alla Sam & Max, per intenderci) e alcuni spezzoni di azione. "

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