Behold, your Golden Train Ticket has arrived. No more wandering around for years as you pass through the land of the dead. Harkening back to the instant "Win Game" button of yesteryear comes this ticket, by way of iam8bit's Nintendo Switch version of Grim Fandango Remastered. But not just any release, but one that comes with feelies in the box, like the good old days. Now you can secure your very own Golden Train Ticket by bribing spending real money, just like characters in the game! And also, you can look as suave as Manny with your new Calavera Cafe matchbook -- but that is actually a notebook. Take down all of your game notes within it and soon you'll be remembering to dig through kitty litter with a magnet in no time.

Head on over to iam8bit's website to see what Manny has in store for you. I sure hope you've been a good person in your life. Otherwise... enjoy this walking stick.
Source: iam8bit
Well, looks like they are using my restoration of the GF mural on the cover.
God. There'd better be a 'Thanks Jan' in there somewhere, man.
Maybe I'm just becoming paranoid. Some parts, where my restoration differs from Peter Chan's original (since I didn't have a complete source back then), seem to match my version, but at the small size of those product shots I can't tell for sure.
Well, looks like they are using my restoration of the GF mural on the cover.
God. There'd better be a 'Thanks Jan' in there somewhere, man.
This is just the thing. Only a shame Switch boxes are so tiddly small.
Still sold.
I'm a sucker for Limited Run Switch releases anyway. A Grim Switch Limited Run release is a dream come true for me.