
Go on a Grim Fandango nostalgia trip 12 Jun, 2014 / 4 comments

Well, hell, Double Fine is remastering Grim Fandango -- what can you do to sustain this high?!

First, you can stop whining about it not being released for PC up front. You know it'll be available for non-Sony platforms soon enough.

Then! Then you can bask in nostalgia heaven!

For example, you can check out our various screenshots. Concept art, in-jokes, covers… It's all there. And you probably want to re-watch the trailer and enjoy a G4 special on the game too, right in our video section.

This is probably a good time to re-read Jason in-depth Secret History article too. (LEC might not have acknowledged Grim's existence, but, bizarrely enough, Disney has.)

Word has it that Thrik is resurrecting his Grim Fandango site. You should nag him to get that going.

And the soundtrack! Go listen to the soundtrack!

2 Player Productions has a retrospective too. What the hell?

Feel free to link to more Grim in the comments, or on Twitter. Tweet it to us and we shall retweet.



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    AlfredJ on 12 Jun, 2014, 16:21…
    I think it should be somewhere in this video, unless they made another one on the same set with the same guests:

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    OzzieMonkey on 12 Jun, 2014, 07:55…


    I just saw the Giant Bomb guys talk to some of the Sony guys on some E3-stream, where they said that they were going after the rights of Grim Fandango themselves, and only after that they found out that Double Fine was doing the same, which is how the collaboration happened . The interesting thing is that he mentioned they were going after all the old Lucasarts Adventures, not just Grim.

    This could be something.

    Oh yeah, I may have said this before, but those Secret Histories were the best.

    Holy crap...really? I'll have to find that interview, do you remember where it was on Giant Bomb?
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    AlfredJ on 12 Jun, 2014, 05:47…
    I just saw the Giant Bomb guys talk to some of the Sony guys on some E3-stream, where they said that they were going after the rights of Grim Fandango themselves, and only after that they found out that Double Fine was doing the same, which is how the collaboration happened . The interesting thing is that he mentioned they were going after all the old Lucasarts Adventures, not just Grim.

    This could be something.

    Oh yeah, I may have said this before, but those Secret Histories were the best.
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    Kolzig on 11 Jun, 2014, 04:59…
    Marvellous, just marvellous.

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