
Get Full Throttle on the cheap! 10 Apr, 2004, 01:08 / 7 comments

Thanks to Evan of Adventure Gamers for pointing this out: is selling boxed copies of the original Full Throttle for a low low price of $7.99. That's totally cheap.

It is, however, the Macintosh version. But wait, fear not! With these instructions, you can play the Mac version in Windows with ScummVM! (MacOS X users can play it with ScummVM using these instructions) So you have no choice but to buy, buy, buy.

Update: If you're looking to save 9 cents, GoGamer has it listed for $9.90. Thanks to loonyboi for the link.


  • Gabez on 10 Apr, 2004, 12:26…
    And I was in town again this morning (I do seem to get around a lot) and saw EMI and CMI for sale... in sepperate DVD cases! It pleased the Gabzo to see the CMI cover without any white background of "LucasArts archives" crap around it.
  • TyraaRane on 10 Apr, 2004, 11:50…
    Gaaaaah! I've been looking for the Mac version of FT for *months!* And huzzah for it being cheap! It's so totally ordered. I love you guys. :)
  • Dalixam on 10 Apr, 2004, 06:09…
    Woohoo! I can finally get The Dig. I've been after it for years, but have been unable to find it anywhere.
  • Gabez on 10 Apr, 2004, 04:36…
    You can also get The Dig and Full Throttle sepperatley in Game for under a tenner, as well as the Entertainment Pack. I pressume the version is the same, which means filtered graphics and works on XP. Anyway, I was in Oxford on Monday and it was quite the thrill to see Full Throttle and The Dig in a busy shop...
  • Scummbuddy on 10 Apr, 2004, 01:51…
    well, its the landscape box, not the portrait, and it doesnt seem to have the bandana... God, mojo, can't you give us anything better. :D
  • Jake on 10 Apr, 2004, 14:22…
    The landscape box isn't the original? That's the one I've always seen in the US really, even for PC... ...?
  • Entity on 10 Apr, 2004, 01:36…
    That's not too shabby. :)