
GameTrailers Star Wars Retrospective - Episode III: The Fall of LucasArts 15 Apr, 2008 / Comments: 6

GameTrailers have added the next instalment of their Star Wars Retrospective, and it's the one we've all been waiting for: the Prequel games!

See the spiritual sequel to Jedi Knight turned into a shite Xbox launch game that embarrassed LucasArts so much they didn't even spend money on decent cover art! See the lowest point Star Wars has ever sunk to in Super Bombad Racing! See LucasArts' reputation as a quality games developer go entirely down the crap-hole!

Still, it's not all bad. The next episode's entirely focused on the X-Wing/TIE Fighter games!


  • The Tingler on 15 Apr, 2008, 20:49…
    Still, both Lego Star Wars and Republic Commando were great at least. And I quite enjoyed Clone Wars.
  • Jake on 15 Apr, 2008, 19:22…
    Fuck off. Bombad Racing was worth playing. (And it had a great soundtrack.)
  • Metallus on 15 Apr, 2008, 20:31…
    Ah yes, I was waiting for this. I haven't played Super Bombad but I remember it getting a nice write-up on the Mojo awhile back.
  • The Tingler on 15 Apr, 2008, 20:47…
    I think that was the point where we stopped taking Star Wars and LucasArts seriously.
  • jp-30 on 15 Apr, 2008, 19:45…
    And it was a "LucasLearning" title.
  • 3headedmonkey on 15 Apr, 2008, 19:18…
    LucasArts-Bashing on a former LucasArts Fansite... it's a long sad story...