
GameSpot polls Sam & Max 04 Mar, 2004, 12:05 / 2 comments

Gamespot is currently running a poll that reads "Are you sad LucasArts has canceled the Sam & Max sequel?" Currently 39% has voted yes, with 47% going "Sam and who?!" This is a good way to make your voice heard on a large site, so go vote "yes" now.


  • Metallus on 04 Mar, 2004, 14:06…
    "Sam and who?!" is generally the response I receive from comic shop employees when I'm in the market for Freelance Police comics. So sad.
  • LucasTones on 04 Mar, 2004, 13:04…
    As you rightly pointed out to me Remi, if LucasArts PR department were doing their jobs properly "Sam and who?!" wouldn't even be an option >: