
Game of Thrones Episode 3 Coming Tomorrow 23 Mar, 2015 / 1 comment

Telltale just announced the release dates for the third episode of their episodic cinematic adventure based on Game of Thrones. It will be released tomorrow on Windows, Mac, and on PS4 and PS3 in North America. Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, and PS3 in Europe will get it on Wednesday. Then on Thursday, it will be released for iOS and Android.

They also released a launch trailer for the episode, which you can view below, or if the embedding isn't working for you, you can watch it here.


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    Bozeke on 26 Mar, 2015, 22:42…
    Hi Mojoites,

    Jared Emerson-Johnson here (composer of Game of Thrones, Tales from the Borderlands, and most of Telltale's games from years past).

    I just wanted to let any mojo audiophiles know that I've just posted a handful of tracks from the most recent Game of Thrones game on my website, here:

    This seemed like the best/easiest place to get the word out, so—word out!

    Thanks for listening, and for playing the games! ~JEJ

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