
Fight Tim Schafer! 12 Oct, 2019 / 3 comments

Tomorrow is Rocktober 13th, the 10th anniversary of the release of Brutal Legend! To celebrate DoubleFine is hosting a livestreaming event where you can play against Tim Schafer and other members of the Double Fine team.

As Lee Petty Tweeted earlier today, "You can beat him! @TimOfLegend is old and nowhere near his fighting weight!"

Join the melee tomorrow between 1 and 4pm PST (9pm to 1am GMT).


Source: Double Fine



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    Squinktron on 05 Nov, 2019, 10:26…
    Im pissed off I missed this. :Ç
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    Scummbuddy on 16 Oct, 2019, 02:24…
    News: Woah. At least Loom, but likely more adventure games, have just been uploaded to Internet Archive, along with 2,500 other games for play in the browser!! I haven't been through the long list yet, but Loom is on there.
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    Kroms on 13 Oct, 2019, 16:17…
    ...How has it been ten years? Good grief.

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