
Episode II Details 31 Oct, 2000 / Comments: 4

Hello my young padawans! It's Narrative here! Just a update to give you some juicy Star Wars: Episode II details and a quick note about what role in Mixnmojo. I'll be giving all the latest Star Wars and Episode II news for Mixnmojo when it breaks. At the moment my life is very hectic and busy with work and college, but hopefully you'll see me more on IRC and updateing the News over the next few months up to Christmas.

Without further ado, here some Episode II plot details that have been recently un-covered. Please bear in mind that my LucasFilm updates will contain spoilers so you might want to reconfigure your "My Mixnmojo" account if you don't want to read spoilers. Also bear in mind that from time to time, some things reported may not be 100% accurate due to the nature of Episode II news on the internet. Anyway... Some spies for were able to report the following:

Some of the first gripping scenes from Episode II shortly after the opening crawl include an assassination attempt on the life of the Senator of Naboo, M'Lady Padm? Amidala.
A new character to replace Panaka, Captain Typho, is in charge over the protection of the young senator. In the confusion around the attempt on her life, one of her loyal handmaidens named Cord? is killed as she doubled for the Padm?. In a tender scene Padm? holds the young girl in her arms, torn between what she must do and her passion for her people.

The tragic and disturbing news of Senator Amidala of the Naboo system's assassination spreads quickly through the galaxy, resonating in the great halls of the Galactic Senate Chamber.
Apparently the sources of these plot leaks are reliable and from what I've heard so far about Episode II, it is most probably true. Another plot leak is about a new character called Uv Gizen:
Uv Gizen is an aide to the Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and will be seen in Senate sequences with the former representative of Naboo.
Sounds very interesting!

Source: TheForce.Net



  • Narrative on 02 Nov, 2000, 19:24…
    Hehe ;-)
  • Mad Lord Snapcase on 02 Nov, 2000, 00:50…
    *checks map* Hey, Bradford, that's close to my University! I've got to plan in a trip there sometime...
  • Narrative on 01 Nov, 2000, 23:02…
    As I said, if you don't want to read spoilers, then configure your "My Mixnmojo" account. AOSWE will be next at Bradford I believe.
  • Mad Lord Snapcase on 01 Nov, 2000, 11:18…
    Whoa, there, buster, where's the white-text (or is it sort-of-lilac text?) on the tidbits? Surely there are some people who don't wanna read spoilers.... Or maybe they just switch off lucasfilm news items. Never mind. Oh, by the way, anyone know where the Art of Star Wars is appearing at the moment and what route it will take?